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Computes a streaming aggregate.

This transformer allows to compute an aggregate statistic, very much like the groupby method from pandas, but on a streaming dataset. This makes use of the streaming statistics from the stats module.

When learn_one is called, the running statistic how of group by is updated with the value of on. Meanwhile, the output of transform_one is a single-element dictionary, where the key is the name of the aggregate and the value is the current value of the statistic for the relevant group. The key is automatically inferred from the parameters.

Note that you can use a compose.TransformerUnion to extract many aggregate statistics in a concise manner.


  • on


    The feature on which to compute the aggregate statistic.

  • by

    Typestr | list[str] | None

    The feature by which to group the data. All the data is included in the aggregate if this is None.

  • how

    Typestats.base.Univariate | utils.Rolling | utils.TimeRolling

    The statistic to compute.


  • state

    Return the current values for each group as a series.


Consider the following dataset:

X = [
    {'country': 'France', 'place': 'Taco Bell', 'revenue': 42},
    {'country': 'Sweden', 'place': 'Burger King', 'revenue': 16},
    {'country': 'France', 'place': 'Burger King', 'revenue': 24},
    {'country': 'Sweden', 'place': 'Taco Bell', 'revenue': 58},
    {'country': 'Sweden', 'place': 'Burger King', 'revenue': 20},
    {'country': 'France', 'place': 'Taco Bell', 'revenue': 50},
    {'country': 'France', 'place': 'Burger King', 'revenue': 10},
    {'country': 'Sweden', 'place': 'Taco Bell', 'revenue': 80}

As an example, we can calculate the average (how) revenue (on) for each place (by):

from river import feature_extraction as fx
from river import stats

agg = fx.Agg(

for x in X:
    agg = agg.learn_one(x)
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 42.0}
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 16.0}
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 20.0}
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 50.0}
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 20.0}
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 50.0}
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 17.5}
{'revenue_mean_by_place': 57.5}

You can compute an aggregate over multiple keys by passing a tuple to the by argument. For instance, we can compute the maximum (how) revenue (on) per place as well as per day (by):

agg = fx.Agg(
    by=['place', 'country'],

for x in X:
    agg = agg.learn_one(x)
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 42}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 16}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 24}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 58}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 20}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 50}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 24}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 80}

You can use a compose.TransformerUnion in order to calculate multiple aggregates in one go. The latter can be constructed by using the + operator:

agg = (
    fx.Agg(on='revenue', by='place', how=stats.Mean()) +
    fx.Agg(on='revenue', by=['place', 'country'], how=stats.Max())

import pprint
for x in X:
    agg = agg.learn_one(x)
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 42, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 42.0}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 16, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 16.0}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 24, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 20.0}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 58, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 50.0}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 20, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 20.0}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 50, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 50.0}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 24, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 17.5}
{'revenue_max_by_place_and_country': 80, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 57.5}

The state property returns a pandas.Series, which can be useful for visualizing the current state.

Taco Bell      57.5
Burger King    17.5
Name: revenue_mean_by_place, dtype: float64

place        country
Taco Bell    France     50
Burger King  Sweden     20
             France     24
Taco Bell    Sweden     80
Name: revenue_max_by_place_and_country, dtype: int64

This transformer can also be used in conjunction with utils.TimeRolling. The latter requires a t argument, which is a timestamp that indicates when the current row was observed. For instance, we can calculate the average (how) revenue (on) for each place (by) over the last 7 days (t):

import datetime as dt
import random
import string
from river import utils

agg = fx.Agg(
    how=utils.TimeRolling(stats.Mean(), dt.timedelta(days=7))

for day in range(366):
    g = random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)
    x = {
        "group": g,
        "value": string.ascii_lowercase.index(g) + random.random(),
    t = dt.datetime(2023, 1, 1) + dt.timedelta(days=day)
    agg = agg.learn_one(x, t=t)




Update with a set of features x.

A lot of transformers don't actually have to do anything during the learn_one step because they are stateless. For this reason the default behavior of this function is to do nothing. Transformers that however do something during the learn_one can override this method.


  • x'dict'
  • t — defaults to None


Transformer: self


Transform a set of features x.


  • x'dict'


dict: The transformed values.