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0.18.0 - 2023-06-26



  • DBStream will now only recluster on demand, rather than at every call to learn_one.


  • The predict_many method scikit-learn models wrapped with compat.convert_sklearn_to_river raised an exception if the model had not been fitted on any data yet. Instead, default predictions will be produced, which is consistent with the rest of River.
  • compat.SKL2RiverRegressor and compat.SKL2RiverClassifier didn't check whether features were ordered in the same way at each method call. They now store the list of feature names at the first function call, and align subsequent inputs in the same order.



  • Added neighbors.SWINN to power-up approximate nearest neighbor search. SWINN uses graphs to speed up nearest neighbor search in large sliding windows of data.
  • Renamed neighbors.NearestNeighbors to neighbors.LazySearch.
  • Standardize and create base classes for generic nearest neighbor search utilities.
  • The user can now select the nearest neighbor search engine to use in neighbors.KNNClassifier and neighbors.KNNRegressor.




  • Expose the min_branch_fraction parameter to avoid splits where most of the data goes to a single branch. Affects classification trees.
  • Added the max_share_to_split parameter to Hoeffding Tree classifiers. This parameters avoids splitting when the majority class has most of the data.
