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Fast Hoeffding Drift Detection Method.

FHDDM is a drift detection method based on the Hoeffding's inequality which uses the input average as estimator.

Input: x is an entry in a stream of bits, where 1 indicates error/failure and 0 represents correct/normal values.

For example, if a classifier's prediction \(y'\) is right or wrong w.r.t. the true target label \(y\):

  • 0: Correct, \(y=y'\)

  • 1: Error, \(y \neq y'\)

Implementation based on MOA.


  • sliding_window_size

    Type โ†’ int

    Default โ†’ 100

    The minimum required number of analyzed samples so change can be detected.

  • confidence_level

    Type โ†’ float

    Default โ†’ 1e-06

    Confidence level used to determine the epsilon coefficient in Hoeffdingโ€™s inequality. The default value gives a 99\% of confidence level to the drift assessment.

  • short_window_size

    Type โ†’ int | None

    Default โ†’ None

    The size of the short window size that it is used in a Stacking version of FHDDM 2.


  • drift_detected

    Whether or not a drift is detected following the last update.

  • warning_detected

    Whether or not a drift is detected following the last update.


import random
from river import drift

rng = random.Random(42)
fhddm = drift.binary.FHDDM()
fhddm_s = drift.binary.FHDDM(short_window_size = 20)
data_stream = rng.choices([0, 1], k=250)
data_stream = data_stream + rng.choices([0, 1], k=250, weights=[0.9, 0.1])
for i, x in enumerate(data_stream):
    if fhddm.drift_detected or fhddm_s.drift_detected:
        print(f"Change detected at index {i}")
Change detected at index 279
Change detected at index 315



Update the detector with a single boolean input.


  • x โ€” 'bool'

  1. A. Pesaranghader, H.L. Viktor, Fast Hoeffding Drift Detection Method for Evolving Data Streams. In the Proceedings of ECML-PKDD 2016. 

  2. Reservoir of Diverse Adaptive Learners and Stacking Fast Hoeffding Drift Detection Methods for Evolving Data Streams.