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0.12.0 - 2022-09-02

  • Moved all the public modules imports from river/ to river/ and removed unnecessary dependencies between modules enabling faster cherry-picked import times (~3x).
  • Adding wheels for Python 3.11.


  • Introduced an mutate method to the base.Base class. This allows setting attributes in a controlled manner, which paves the way for online AutoML. See the recipe for more information.


  • Moved the PyTorch wrappers to river-extra.



  • Moved utils.pure_inference_mode to compose.pure_inference_mode and utils.warm_up_mode to compose.warm_up_mode.
  • Pipeline parts can now be accessed by integer positions as well as by name.


  • Imports synth, enabling `from river import datasets; datasets.synth.


  • Refactor the concept drift detectors to match the remaining of River's API. Warnings are only issued by detectors that support this feature.
  • Drifts can be assessed via the property drift_detected. Warning signals can be accessed by the property warning_detected. The update now returns self.
  • Ensure all detectors automatically reset their inner states after a concept drift detection.
  • Streamline DDM, EDDM, HDDM_A, and HDDM_W. Make the configurable parameters names match their respective papers.
  • Fix bugs in EDDM and HDDM_W.
  • Enable two-sided tests in PageHinkley.
  • Improve documentation and update tests.




  • Removed dependency to optim.
  • Removed metrics.Rolling, due to the addition of utils.Rolling.
  • Removed metrics.TimeRolling, due to the addition of utils.Rolling.



  • The default splitter was changed to tree.splitter.TEBST for memory and running time efficiency.


  • Removed stats.RollingMean, due to the addition of utils.Rolling.
  • Removed stats.RollingVar, due to the addition of utils.Rolling.
  • Removed stats.RollingCov, due to the addition of utils.Rolling.
  • Removed stats.RollingPearsonCorr, due to the addition of utils.Rolling.




  • Rename split_confidence and tie_threshold to delta and tau, respectively. This way, the parameters are not misleading and match what the research papers have used for decades.
  • Refactor HoeffdingAdaptiveTree{Classifier,Regressor} to allow the usage of any drift detector. Expose the significance level of the test used to switch between subtrees as a user-defined parameter.
  • Correct test used to switch between foreground and background subtrees in HoeffdingAdaptiveTreeRegressor. Due to the continuous and unbounded nature of the monitored errors, a z-test is now performed to decide which subtree to keep.
  • The default leaf_prediction value was changed to "adaptive", as this often results in the smallest errors in practice.
  • The default splitter was changed to tree.splitter.TEBST for memory and running time efficiency.
