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Random Radial Basis Function generator with concept drift.

This class is an extension from the RandomRBF generator. Concept drift can be introduced in instances of this class.

The drift is created by adding a "speed" to certain centroids. As the samples are generated each of the moving centroids' centers is changed by an amount determined by its speed.


  • seed_model (int) – defaults to None

    Model's seed to generate centroids If int, seed is used to seed the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random.

  • seed_sample (int) – defaults to None

    Sample's seed If int, seed is used to seed the random number generator; If RandomState instance, seed is the random number generator; If None, the random number generator is the RandomState instance used by np.random.

  • n_classes (int) – defaults to 2

    The number of class labels to generate.

  • n_features (int) – defaults to 10

    The number of numerical features to generate.

  • n_centroids (int) – defaults to 50

    The number of centroids to generate.

  • change_speed (float) – defaults to 0.0

    The concept drift speed.

  • n_drift_centroids (int) – defaults to 50

    The number of centroids that will drift.


  • desc

    Return the description from the docstring.


>>> from river import synth
>>> dataset = synth.RandomRBFDrift(seed_model=42, seed_sample=42,
...                                n_classes=4, n_features=4, n_centroids=20,
...                                change_speed=0.87, n_drift_centroids=10)
>>> for x, y in dataset.take(5):
...     print(x, y)
{0: 1.1965, 1: 0.5729, 2: 0.8607, 3: 0.5888} 0
{0: 0.3383, 1: 0.8072, 2: 0.8051, 3: 0.4140} 3
{0: 0.5362, 1: -0.2867, 2: 0.0962, 3: 0.8974} 2
{0: 1.1875, 1: 1.0385, 2: 0.8323, 3: -0.0553} 2
{0: 0.3256, 1: 0.9206, 2: 0.8595, 3: 0.5907} 2



Iterate over the k samples.


  • k (int)