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Packs multiple transformers into a single one.

Pipelines allow you to apply steps sequentially. Therefore, the output of a step becomes the input of the next one. In many cases, you may want to pass the output of a step to multiple steps. This simple transformer allows you to do so. In other words, it enables you to apply particular steps to different parts of an input. A typical example is when you want to scale numeric features and one-hot encode categorical features.

This transformer is essentially a list of transformers. Whenever it is updated, it loops through each transformer and updates them. Meanwhile, calling transform_one collects the output of each transformer and merges them into a single dictionary.


  • transformers

    Ideally, a list of (name, estimator) tuples. A name is automatically inferred if none is provided.


Take the following dataset:

>>> X = [
...     {'place': 'Taco Bell', 'revenue': 42},
...     {'place': 'Burger King', 'revenue': 16},
...     {'place': 'Burger King', 'revenue': 24},
...     {'place': 'Taco Bell', 'revenue': 58},
...     {'place': 'Burger King', 'revenue': 20},
...     {'place': 'Taco Bell', 'revenue': 50}
... ]

As an example, let's assume we want to compute two aggregates of a dataset. We therefore define two feature_extraction.Aggs and initialize a TransformerUnion with them:

>>> from river import compose
>>> from river import feature_extraction
>>> from river import stats

>>> mean = feature_extraction.Agg(
...     on='revenue', by='place',
...     how=stats.Mean()
... )
>>> count = feature_extraction.Agg(
...     on='revenue', by='place',
...     how=stats.Count()
... )
>>> agg = compose.TransformerUnion(mean, count)

We can now update each transformer and obtain their output with a single function call:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> for x in X:
...     agg = agg.learn_one(x)
...     pprint(agg.transform_one(x))
{'revenue_count_by_place': 1, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 42.0}
{'revenue_count_by_place': 1, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 16.0}
{'revenue_count_by_place': 2, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 20.0}
{'revenue_count_by_place': 2, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 50.0}
{'revenue_count_by_place': 3, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 20.0}
{'revenue_count_by_place': 3, 'revenue_mean_by_place': 50.0}

Note that you can use the + operator as a shorthand notation:

agg = mean + count

This allows you to build complex pipelines in a very terse manner. For instance, we can create a pipeline that scales each feature and fits a logistic regression as so:

>>> from river import linear_model as lm
>>> from river import preprocessing as pp

>>> model = (
...     (mean + count) |
...     pp.StandardScaler() |
...     lm.LogisticRegression()
... )

Whice is equivalent to the following code:

>>> model = compose.Pipeline(
...     compose.TransformerUnion(mean, count),
...     pp.StandardScaler(),
...     lm.LogisticRegression()
... )

Note that you access any part of a TransformerUnion by name:

>>> model['TransformerUnion']['Agg']
Agg (
    how=Mean ()

>>> model['TransformerUnion']['Agg1']
Agg (
    how=Count ()

You can also manually provide a name for each step:

>>> agg = compose.TransformerUnion(
...     ('Mean revenue by place', mean),
...     ('# by place', count)
... )

Mini-batch example:

>>> X = pd.DataFrame([
...     {"place": 2, "revenue": 42},
...     {"place": 3, "revenue": 16},
...     {"place": 3, "revenue": 24},
...     {"place": 2, "revenue": 58},
...     {"place": 3, "revenue": 20},
...     {"place": 2, "revenue": 50},
... ])

Since we need a transformer with mini-batch support to demonstrate, we shall use a StandardScaler.

>>> from river import compose
>>> from river import preprocessing

>>> agg = (
...     compose.Select("place") +
...     (compose.Select("revenue") | preprocessing.StandardScaler())
... )

>>> _ = agg.learn_many(X)
>>> agg.transform_many(X)
   place   revenue
0      2  0.441250
1      3 -1.197680
2      3 -0.693394
3      2  1.449823
4      3 -0.945537
5      2  0.945537



Update each transformer.


  • X (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)
  • y (pandas.core.series.Series) – defaults to None

Update each transformer.


  • x (dict)
  • y – defaults to None

Passes the data through each transformer and packs the results together.


  • X ('pd.DataFrame')

Passes the data through each transformer and packs the results together.


  • x (dict)