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Random Radial Basis Function generator.

Produces a radial basis function stream. A number of centroids, having a random central position, a standard deviation, a class label and weight are generated. A new sample is created by choosing one of the centroids at random, taking into account their weights, and offsetting the attributes in a random direction from the centroid's center. The offset length is drawn from a Gaussian distribution.

This process will create a normally distributed hypersphere of samples on the surrounds of each centroid.


  • seed_model ('int | None') – defaults to None

    Model's random seed to generate centroids.

  • seed_sample ('int | None') – defaults to None

    Sample's random seed.

  • n_classes ('int') – defaults to 2

    The number of class labels to generate.

  • n_features ('int') – defaults to 10

    The number of numerical features to generate.

  • n_centroids ('int') – defaults to 50

    The number of centroids to generate.


  • desc

    Return the description from the docstring.


>>> from river.datasets import synth
>>> dataset = synth.RandomRBF(seed_model=42, seed_sample=42,
...                           n_classes=4, n_features=4, n_centroids=20)
>>> for x, y in dataset.take(5):
...     print(x, y)
{0: 1.0989, 1: 0.3840, 2: 0.7759, 3: 0.6592} 2
{0: 0.2366, 1: 1.3233, 2: 0.5691, 3: 0.2083} 0
{0: 1.3540, 1: -0.3306, 2: 0.1683, 3: 0.8865} 0
{0: 0.2585, 1: -0.2217, 2: 0.4739, 3: 0.6522} 0
{0: 0.1295, 1: 0.5953, 2: 0.1774, 3: 0.6673} 1



Iterate over the k samples.


  • k (int)