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Generates a stream with concept drift.

A stream generator that adds concept drift or change by joining two streams. This is done by building a weighted combination of two pure distributions that characterizes the target concepts before and after the change.

The sigmoid function is an elegant and practical solution to define the probability that each new instance of the stream belongs to the new concept after the drift. The sigmoid function introduces a gradual, smooth transition whose duration is controlled with two parameters:

  • \(p\), the position of the change.

  • \(w\), the width of the transition.

The sigmoid function at sample \(t\) is

\[f(t) = 1/(1+e^{-4(t-p)/w})\]


  • stream

    Typedatasets.base.SyntheticDataset | None


    Original stream

  • drift_stream

    Typedatasets.base.SyntheticDataset | None


    Drift stream

  • position



    Central position of the concept drift change.

  • width



    Width of concept drift change.

  • seed

    Typeint | None


    Random seed for reproducibility.

  • alpha

    Typefloat | None


    Angle of change used to estimate the width of concept drift change. If set, it will override the width parameter. Valid values are in the range (0.0, 90.0].


  • desc

    Return the description from the docstring.


from river.datasets import synth

dataset = synth.ConceptDriftStream(
    stream=synth.SEA(seed=42, variant=0),
    drift_stream=synth.SEA(seed=42, variant=1),
    seed=1, position=5, width=2

for x, y in dataset.take(10):
    print(x, y)
{0: 6.3942, 1: 0.2501, 2: 2.7502} False
{0: 2.2321, 1: 7.3647, 2: 6.7669} True
{0: 8.9217, 1: 0.8693, 2: 4.2192} True
{0: 0.2979, 1: 2.1863, 2: 5.0535} False
{0: 6.3942, 1: 0.2501, 2: 2.7502} False
{0: 2.2321, 1: 7.3647, 2: 6.7669} True
{0: 8.9217, 1: 0.8693, 2: 4.2192} True
{0: 0.2979, 1: 2.1863, 2: 5.0535} False
{0: 0.2653, 1: 1.9883, 2: 6.4988} False
{0: 5.4494, 1: 2.2044, 2: 5.8926} False



Iterate over the k samples.


  • k'int'


An optional way to estimate the width of the transition \(w\) is based on the angle \(\alpha\), \(w = 1/ tan(\alpha)\). Since width corresponds to the number of samples for the transition, the width is rounded to the nearest smaller integer. Notice that larger values of \(\alpha\) result in smaller widths. For \(\alpha > 45.0\), the width is smaller than 1 so values are rounded to 1 to avoid division by zero errors.