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A pipeline of estimators.

Pipelines allow you to chain different steps into a sequence. Typically, when doing supervised learning, a pipeline contains one ore more transformation steps, whilst it's is a regressor or a classifier. It is highly recommended to use pipelines with river. Indeed, in an online learning setting, it is very practical to have a model defined as a single object. Take a look at the user guide for further information and practical examples.

One special thing to take notice to is the way transformers are handled. It is usual to predict something for a sample and wait for the ground truth to arrive. In such a scenario, the features are seen before the ground truth arrives. Therefore, the unsupervised parts of the pipeline are updated when predict_one and predict_proba_one are called. Usually the unsupervised parts of the pipeline are all the steps that precede the final step, which is a supervised model. However, some transformers are supervised and are therefore also updated during calls to learn_one.


  • steps

    Ideally, a list of (name, estimator) tuples. A name is automatically inferred if none is provided.


The recommended way to declare a pipeline is to use the | operator. The latter allows you to chain estimators in a very terse manner:

>>> from river import linear_model
>>> from river import preprocessing

>>> scaler = preprocessing.StandardScaler()
>>> log_reg = linear_model.LinearRegression()
>>> model = scaler | log_reg

This results in a pipeline that stores each step inside a dictionary.

>>> model
Pipeline (
  StandardScaler (
  LinearRegression (
    optimizer=SGD (
      lr=Constant (
    loss=Squared ()
    intercept_lr=Constant (
    initializer=Zeros ()

You can access parts of a pipeline in the same manner as a dictionary:

>>> model['LinearRegression']
LinearRegression (
  optimizer=SGD (
    lr=Constant (
  loss=Squared ()
  intercept_lr=Constant (
  initializer=Zeros ()

Note that you can also declare a pipeline by using the compose.Pipeline constructor method, which is slightly more verbose:

>>> from river import compose

>>> model = compose.Pipeline(scaler, log_reg)

By using a compose.TransformerUnion, you can define complex pipelines that apply different steps to different parts of the data. For instance, we can extract word counts from text data, and extract polynomial features from numeric data.

>>> from river import feature_extraction as fx

>>> tfidf = fx.TFIDF('text')
>>> counts = fx.BagOfWords('text')
>>> text_part = compose.Select('text') | (tfidf + counts)

>>> num_part = compose.Select('a', 'b') | fx.PolynomialExtender()

>>> model = text_part + num_part
>>> model |= preprocessing.StandardScaler()
>>> model |= linear_model.LinearRegression()

The following shows an example of using debug_one to visualize how the information flows and changes throughout the pipeline.

>>> from river import compose
>>> from river import naive_bayes

>>> dataset = [
...     ('A positive comment', True),
...     ('A negative comment', False),
...     ('A happy comment', True),
...     ('A lovely comment', True),
...     ('A harsh comment', False)
... ]

>>> tfidf = fx.TFIDF() | compose.Prefixer('tfidf_')
>>> counts = fx.BagOfWords() | compose.Prefixer('count_')
>>> mnb = naive_bayes.MultinomialNB()
>>> model = (tfidf + counts) | mnb

>>> for x, y in dataset:
...     model = model.learn_one(x, y)

>>> x = dataset[0][0]
>>> report = model.debug_one(dataset[0][0])
>>> print(report)
0. Input
A positive comment
1. Transformer union
    1.0 TFIDF | Prefixer
    tfidf_comment: 0.47606 (float)
    tfidf_positive: 0.87942 (float)
    1.1 BagOfWords | Prefixer
    count_comment: 1 (int)
    count_positive: 1 (int)
count_comment: 1 (int)
count_positive: 1 (int)
tfidf_comment: 0.50854 (float)
tfidf_positive: 0.86104 (float)
2. MultinomialNB
False: 0.19313
True: 0.80687



Return a fresh estimator with the same parameters.

The clone has the same parameters but has not been updated with any data. This works by looking at the parameters from the class signature. Each parameter is either - recursively cloned if it's a River classes. - deep-copied via copy.deepcopy if not. If the calling object is stochastic (i.e. it accepts a seed parameter) and has not been seeded, then the clone will not be idempotent. Indeed, this method's purpose if simply to return a new instance with the same input parameters.


Displays the state of a set of features as it goes through the pipeline.


  • x (dict)
  • show_types – defaults to True
  • n_decimals – defaults to 5

Return a forecast.

Only works if each estimator has a transform_one method and the final estimator has a forecast method. This is the case of time series models from the time_series module.


  • horizon (int)
  • xs (List[dict]) – defaults to None

Fit to a mini-batch.


  • X (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)
  • y (pandas.core.series.Series) – defaults to None
  • params

Fit to a single instance.


  • x (dict)
  • y – defaults to None
  • params

Call transform_one on the first steps and predict_one on the last step.


  • x (dict)
  • params

Call transform_one on the first steps and predict_proba_one on the last step.


  • x (dict)
  • params

Call transform_one on the first steps and score_one on the last step.


  • x (dict)
  • params

Apply each transformer in the pipeline to some features.

The final step in the pipeline will be applied if it is a transformer. If not, then it will be ignored and the output from the penultimate step will be returned. Note that the steps that precede the final step are assumed to all be transformers.


  • X (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame)

Apply each transformer in the pipeline to some features.

The final step in the pipeline will be applied if it is a transformer. If not, then it will be ignored and the output from the penultimate step will be returned. Note that the steps that precede the final step are assumed to all be transformers.


  • x (dict)
  • params